Monday, December 1, 2008

How many miles did Hannibal go to reach Zama?

Do you know how many miles Hannibal went to go reach Zama? I think about 610 miles. Thats my guess thought. The place he was born was called carthage, Tunisia. He died at Gebze Anatolia. Hannibal was one of the sons of Hamilcar Barca. He had several sisters and some brothers. Hannibal was a Carthaginian commander and military genius. He was born in 247 B.C. It took Hannibal a while to reach Zama. In Italy he defeated the Romans in a battel. Hannibal was his nick name. Hannibals whole name was John Hannibal Simth. John Hannibal Simth was the oldest son Carthaginan general.At the age of 19 Hannibal lost his father. Hannibal's father name is Hamilcar Barca. Hannibals father was killed by the Hispanics. The battel of Zama started in 202 B.C. So How many miles did Hannibal travel to go to the battel of Zama? I said about 610 miles. That was my guess thought. I was wrong the answer is it took John Hannibal Smith about 750 miles to reach Zama. That is alot. Scipio Africanus was a Roman leader and they defeated Hannibals crew. Hannibal lost his last fight.Hannibal had alot of people in his army. John Hannibal Smith had l50,000 infantry soldiers,80 elelphants and 4,000 cavalry soldiers. Scipio Africanus also had alot of people in his army. Scipio Africanus had 34,000 infantry soldiers and also had 4,000 cavalry soldiers he had no elephants thought and they still won. Scipio Africanus had some great strategys. 20,000 soldiers were killed and 11,000 wounded and 15,000 was captured. That was for Hannibals army. Scipio Africanus had 1,500 soldiers killed and 4,000 wounded and none of scipio Africanus army was captured. The battel of Zama was between Scipio Africanus and John Hannibal Smith. The battel of Zama ended in 202 B.C.

The sites I went on was